Monday 22 August 2016

Shall It Be Spring Or Shall It Be Winter

Shall It Be Spring Or Shall It Winter
If  you would to pick one season out of winter or spring to live in what would it be this peiace of writing will show you want the good and bad things are for these two seasons.

Firstly you can be outside in the sun with your family in spring, but you can get sun burn and that can lead to  serious skin cancer. This disease can lead to long time in hospitals and sometimes death, and thats's why you put sunscreen on but most of the good sunscreen can be expensive.

For these reasons you would probably want to go with winter but just hold that thought. You would probably think of by going skiing, building snowman's and plaing i the snow but you can get pneumonia from the cold. Pneumonia is a sickness that's like a cold but it makes it hard to breath. You can survive but this sickness can lead to death.

As you can see spring and winter are both good seasons but for me I would rather perfer spring because I love the sun but I will put sunscreen on.

By Krystal 


  1. Krystal I totally agree with you maybe bigger righting the colors are perfect for it

  2. and of course Spring has lambs and daffodils :)

  3. and of course Spring has lambs and daffodils :)
