Monday 31 October 2016

Why The Colour

Why The Colour
These days Butterflies are gorgeous  magnificent creatures. Their wings are what makes them stand out  - they were bright and colourful like a rainbow, and when they flew they sparkled like a diamond in sunlight or like bright stars on a starry night. But I’ve always wondered how they got  their magnificent wings and now I think I know why

Long ago  when the sun glistened as it went down and when the birds sang their happy songs all day long, there were butterflies but their wings were plain white and boring. All the other bugs made fun of them because they weren’t white they were green, red and other colours. But the butterflies knew that one day they wouldn’t  be able to handle it  they didn’t know when but it was going to happen. That day had arrived but the butterflies didn’t know but Jem did, Jem is a beauty fairy she gives people and animals beauty but she could not give bug's beauty. Back in the forest the butterflies were being teased again, “ your not pretty were nice and bright,”sang the other bugs that's when it hit them, they all of a sudden  it hit them they screamed and shouted and stamped their feet so hard that it made an ENORMOUS  earthquake which shook the whole world and from that earthquake,  a tiny speck of  sunlight which shone like a thousand fireflies came from the skies , all the other bugs went to hid because they didn’t like being yelled at. Jem the beauty fairy was watching and practice here magic then she stopped and looked at the butterflies then she realised that she could turn bugs beautiful , that speck of light was here magic. So flattered  over to the butterflies and got out her wand and  once again there was the gorgeous speck of light but this time it split and stuck to the butterfly's wings and transformed their wings plain old boring wings into dazzling sparkly wings.

As the bugs came out of hiding they were shocked , to see the butterflies wings so beautiful then they came over and said sorry to the butterflies, and that’s certainly how butterflies wings are so dazzling now.


  1. Cool cucumbers Krystal the work is good keep it up cool

  2. Cool Krystal, but you need to put a bit more punctuation here and there but the story is still good.

  3. Cool story Krystal.Kepp up the good work.

  4. like the story

  5. you need a little more punctuation but a really good story.
