The Falling Stars
Do you know an island could kapiti island, well I do. Now days kapiti island is a place to let your worries flouty free, it is truly a beautiful places. It’s covered with wildlife and as the sun creeps up in the horizon and it wakes up all the birds, the sound is fantastic. Most of kapiti island is beautiful rocks and walks with the most gorgeous trees draped over the rocky hills like a blanket. Kapiti island is truly magnificent, but the question is, how did it get there? I think I know, here is what I think it was created.
One night with the stars sparkling above a country could New Zealand down by a place could kapiti coast. There was a little boy named Taui, little Taui was staring up at the stars wondering what It would be like to be a star. Soon he dozed off into a dreamless sleep. Meanwhile deep in our galaxy, there were three stars they were could Gem, Glimmer and Diamond they were the most beautiful stars in the whole galaxy, expressly Gem, Oh, how beautiful Gem was people on earth even could her the north star. But that all might change. The stars were singing for all the little stars but they didn’t know was that something was watching them something angur, something, annoying this thing was back on earth it, it was a… a… star, it was a star it was a star that had fallen a long time ago and the only way for him to get back up was if to stars would fall and crash and then he would go flying into space. Now this star was a trickster and he had a HUGE plan and when I say huge I mean HUGE. So this star grabbed these MASSIVE, boulders and made sure his aim was perfect and when it was, he threw those rocks into the sky and they hit, Glimmer and Diamond, as fast as Gem could she grabbed them both but because she was so delicate she had to let go. Just then the trickster star went flying up into space and landed right next to a Gem, oh! I forgot to tell you he loved Gem so that's why he targeted Glimmer and Diamond. Anyway Glimmer and diamond crashed into the water and made the most biggest splash ever and formed an island.
Hey K you are awesome at this but check the it's in the story you are still awesome