Thursday 8 September 2016


By Krystal
I was in my backyard just when the stars were just coming out time just stopped. Everything and everyone was frozen except for me. I had no idea how.

Then all of sudden I saw a moving shape coming towards earth. It like a UFO! ! ! I started to panic a little, okay I lied I panicked a lot. I couldn’t just run to the police they were frozen because timed stopped. Everyone was frozen, but that’s what I thought. After running and screaming  HELP, over and over again I stopped. I stopped because I heard a rustling sound in the bush. I carefully picked up a stick for defence. Just in case, you can never be too careful. So I was quietly walking towards the bush holding the stick firmly in my hand. I slowly pushed away the bush and then I was steering into the eyes of a frightened. . . human, wait what, it’s Jason my best bro.  “Tony” said Jason “ is it really you.”
“ yeah” I said “and we're in trouble.” At this time I was telling Jason everything.

“ Okay we need a plan. “ said Jason.
Just then a major plan popped into my head. “ I know could get a bouncy castle and the spaceship could bounce off fly to where it came from.” So we grabbed a bouncy castle from Mitre 10 Mega. we finally got the blown up. Surprisingly I didn’t work  because all of a sudden pulled up as if it saw us and what was the most strange is after it was out of site time was back to normal. When I got home I got a left over bunger from dinner, are it and went to bed and didn’t wake up until 3 O’clock in the afternoon.

           THE END   

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