Wednesday 13 April 2016

Today I learnt

 Today I learnt...

How to do some hard things in my dragon maths here is some of the problems I had to do...

  480 +      = 500    and     229 +      = 300   also   290 +     = 400 

    Answer 1.  116          Answer 2. 71      Answer 3. 110

Thank looking and please leave commets!!!!! :)

Tuesday 12 April 2016

 Today I learnt...

That some places in  Australia there are mice almost everywere I also learnt that there is a really sceary toad that was these lumps on there back that can scrite possin here is a pic of it.

I also learnt that some snakes can be up to about 8 merters long here is a pic of one.

Sunday 10 April 2016

Here is another TAGUL word cloud!!!! :)
Sorry I forgot the pic so here is it!!! :)

Tagul WordCloud :)

 Hello do you like my Tagul wordcloud I have never made one before so this is the first!!!! :)

Tuesday 5 April 2016

Spelling can you see the big spelling in the middle
please leave comments!!!!!!! ;) ;) :)